Happy New Year!  Have you made a 2021 resolution?

Years ago, I swore I would never again waste my resolution on “losing weight.”   Though I usually succeeded with a dozen pounds or more in the short term, by the time January rolled around again, the efforts I had made would be buried under the joys of eating and drinking.  That old “lose weight” goal was both self-perpetuating and boring! I am no slimmer (maybe heavier) these days, but at least I don’t dread the idea of making a New Year resolution.

In 2017, I resolved to write and complete the first draft of my travel memoir. The next year, I resolved to edit and perfect the manuscript to make it ready to send out to agents.  My 2019 goal was to try to land an agent and/or a publisher.  I did very well with the “trying” part, but fell short of landing serious interest.

On January 1, 2020 I resolved that I would self-publish my memoir as I had done my first book, Immigrant Soldier.  Real self-publishing, without the help of a company that does the work while you pay for the service, is a mammoth and complex project full of possible pitfalls, important details, team directing, and multi-tasking. It certainly kept me busy in a year that was difficult (to say the least) and supremely crazy-making (at most.) My 2020 resolution has been accomplished and Wherever the Road Leads is now available.

For 2021, my heart filled with the hope of a new administration and a vaccine, I have made two resolutions.   After all, there are still several months of lock-down to look forward to and keeping busy is the best way to help this restricted time slide by.

  1. Complete the Virtual Book Launch project. In concert with my daughter, Erin, I will see that this project is ready for public release by early spring.  Entertaining and informative, “Around the World in 80 Minutes with Katie” will be an on-line webinar.  It will feature slides, narration, maps, video, a give-away, and live Q & A.   More on this in future blogs.
  2. Start, complete, and publish the next Caitlin easy-reader. This third in the series will be an end of summer camp story based on of one of my earlier works (twice published in a children’s magazine and almost purchased by an Israeli publisher of children’s books). My partner and illustrator anticipates (with varying degrees of enthusiasm) studying the habits and activities of racoons. These ingenious critters will romp through the pages of Caitlin Helps, as lizards and squirrels have done in the two earlier Caitlin books.

As you can see, I am a practical and pragmatic thinker.  If you have read my memoir, you already know this. Of course, I hope for Peace and the end of hunger, but these things are far too big to achieve in one year and not for a single person to accomplish.    I also want to get in better shape (lose weight😊), travel again, and spend (Zoom/Face) time with more of my friends.  But for me, a specific, trackable resolution works best.  In December, I like being able to say, “I did it!”

I realize as I write this post that the full disclosure of my 2021 resolutions sets a dangerous precedent.  I am now fully and utterly committed.

Perhaps this is a good thing.  If you believe telling the world (or your social circle) about your resolution will help you succeed …….. I’d love to hear your goals for 2021.  Please share!


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