Boxes of books are stacked in the living room and bottles of Champagne chill in the refrigerator.  Finger food and cut fruit are prepared.  Friends, family, my writing group ladies, the “beta-readers,” and loyal supporters will soon arrive.

We will lift our glasses.  They will say “Congratulations” and I will breathe a sigh of relief.

It is official.  Immigrant Soldier, The Story of a Ritchie Boy is on sale at  Look on the book page of this web-site for an active “Buy it Now” button that will take you directly to the Immigrant Soldier page on Amazon.

The very first copy of the book purchased from Amazon was ordered by Erica Williams.     This young woman was a member of the 2004 Girl Scout travel patrol which I led on a 5 week adventure across Europe.  Somehow, having Erica buy the very first book brings these two important accomplishments of my life together.  Thank you, Erica, for making my day!

Promotion for Immigrant Soldier is beginning.  The challenging work of publicity and marketing is something I have no experience with, so I will learn as I go. I hope to give talks and readings at Holocaust museums, WWII museums and independent bookstores, both near and far.  As in, “have book, will travel.”

I am excited about the prospect of talking to readers about my book and introducing them to Herman and the Ritchie Boys. The first few times, I will definitely be out of my comfort zone—public speaking is not my forté.  My daughter, Erin, who has been an actress and voice-over artist, says I’ll be fine.  I suggested that maybe she should give the talks and I could just stand behind her and smile.  We both laughed.  Too bad this isn’t possible.

My first event is:

  • Sunday, March 1, 4 pm – Book Launch and signing at Laguna Beach Books, 1200 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach, CA

If you are in the area, I hope you can attend.

I also have set up two virtual blog tours—one has already begun. You can find the schedule at     A tour of blogs that highlights historical fiction is scheduled for mid-April.   More on that later.

Every appearance ends with Q & A.  Can you help me prepare for all these?   Please send me questions that you would want to ask if you were at a reading or other book event for Immigrant Soldier.  It will be great practice for me to answer your questions and it will give me a sense of what readers want to know.  You can send questions to through the contact page at, or better yet, submit them as comments to this blog.


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